Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Joys of Life

Yesterday we went to see the Thorn at New Life and it was amazing! I think I am amazed at the story each time I see the Thorn. It always makes me remember what I am thankful for and what I believe. I would recommend anyone go see this play believers and non believers because those who believe will remember why and those of you who don't believe this may make you believe.

My Little girl is 3 months tomorrow and I can hardly believe it. It is hard to believe it was Christmas three months ago and I was huge and I remember thinking little baby can you please come. Little did I know the contractions I was having the next morning were going to turn into labor!! It was such an amazing experience, and I was really lucky! It is hard to imagine life without my little muchkin! Officially today she is now wearing size 2 and it is hard to believe she once wore NB size! I am so amazed how fast they go.
But our schedule at her 3 month mark is:
6:30am she wakes up and I feed her and she goes back to bed until 8:30am
7:30am I wake up and get ready for work
8:30 - 9:00am Ava will wake up and I will feed her before I head to work
Then depending on the day Josh or Grammie Tami will either watch her or I will take her to work
3:00pm I get off work and head home to hang with Ava
5:00pm she goes down for a quick name so I can cook dinner
then between like 6:00 and 8:00 we have tummy time we read to her and just hang with the baby
9:00pm she gets a bottle with rice cereal and we put her to bed...and yes she will sleep until 6:30am!!

That is a day of our life...and it is a lot of fun! I love watching her grow up each day! She is so sweet! I was looking at all of her newborn outfits and I can't believe she was once that small. It was funny because before she was born I was sitting there looking at the same outfits thinking I can't believe my little one will fit into this!!

Here are some pictures of me on Christmas...don't mind my puffy face! You can totally tell I was ready to have this baby here!

Looking back I still can't believe how big I was! I was 41 inches around at my belly button!!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda! I randomly came across your blog! That's so fun that you started one! I added you to my list ;-)
